About Evan Leybourn

Who is Evan Leybourn?
Evan is the co-founder of the Business Agility Institute; a fiercely independent research & advocacy organization for the next generation of companies. Companies that are agile, innovative and dynamic - perfectly designed to thrive in today’s unpredictable markets. As well as leading the Business Agility Institute, Evan is also the author of Directing the Agile Organisation (2012) and #noprojects; a culture of continuous value (2018).
- "In this book, Evan Leybourn takes the concepts of "lean" and "agile" and shows how they can be used to run your entire company, not just the software development team. He brings a wealth of knowledge and a number of practical case studies to show that not only CAN you run your business in an agile way, you SHOULD." - Alex Raymond (Kapta)
- "A recommended read" - SoftEd
- "Controversial topic, delivered gently and charismatically. Though raises more questions (which is good)" - Feedback from AgileEE
- "Simplified way of presenting concepts & we could relate to our work environment" - ST Ericsson
- "[Evan] is very innovative and has a great ability to get everyone involved" - Dell
- "Clear concepts of the subject, Best practices based on experiences" - UCBC
Press Kit Downloads
- High Res Headshot: Download here.
- High Res Book Cover: Download here.
- Press Release: Download here.
- Book Sample: Download here.
Interviews and Recordings
You can also find examples and recordings from Evan's conference presentations.
- SPaMCast - Interview with Evan Leybourn on #noprojects
- Ekipa - Interview with Evan Leybourn
- SPaMCast - Interview with Evan Leybourn
- InfoQ - Author Q/A with Evan Leybourn
- How Much Will This Cost (Agile India) via Youtube
- Selling Agile across the Enterprise (Agile India) via Youtube
- Autopsy of a Failed Agile Project or Death of a Thousand Cuts (Agile India) via Youtube
Evan keeps himself very busy with a number of non-work related projects including:
- Directing the Agile Organisation (Book) via IT Governance Publishing
- Founder and chair of the Agile Business Management Consortium - http://agilebusinessmanagement.org
- The Agile Director (Blog)
- As Enterprise Agile theme chair for the 2015 Agile India conference - http://agileindia.com
- As conference chair for the 2011 open source developers conference in Canberra, Australia - http://2011.osdc.com.au/
- Developing an open source android book cataloguing tool - https://github.com/eleybourn/Book-Catalogue - http://www.appbrain.com/app/book-catalogue/com.eleybourn.bookcatalogue
- As a contributor to a number of open source projects
Evan Online
You can find Evan all over the interwebs, both professionally and personally.
- Linkedin - https://sg.linkedin.com/in/evanleybourn
- Slideshare - http://www.slideshare.net/eleybourn/
- Prezi - http://prezi.com/user/eleybourn/
- @eleybourn on Twitter - https://twitter.com/eleybourn
- github - https://github.com/eleybourn
- Google - https://www.google.com/search?q=%22evan+leybourn%22
Just to name a few :-)